As GEMS Credit Cycles Poop Out And LDRS Breach 100 – Retail Centers Are In Trouble
China is intensifying its crackdown on lavish spending.  South East Asian LDRs are rising above 100 all over. Investment banks are shrinking, and GEMS commercial banks may FINALLY figure out that mobile phone banking is 98% cheaper than branches.  Think about it — US banks closed 1,500 branches across the US and branches have been declining since 2010.  GEMS banks will figure this out soon.Dubai is taking market share. Japan is really cheap now. Even Italian retail shops are much cheaper than Hong Kong and Singapore shops….. Furthermore, retail rent spaces in HK and Singapore have never been higher

We are rolling out some credit work on property companies since property collateral is the vital link for the asset side of any bank.  We know that liability deposits are tapped out.  Therefore, the funding of assets may be a problem. Singapore is more of a problem than Hong Kong.  China has the worst credit quality across the region but these counters have ALL been decimated



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